Union Energy of Shiva and Shakti

According to Shaivism, one of the major branches of yogic philosophy, there is divine masculine energy that takes the form of the Hindu god, Shiva, and divine feminine energy that takes the form of the goddess, Shakti. Both Shiva and Shakti are alive in both men and women. All of us have divine masculine (Shiva) aspects and divine feminine (Shakti) aspects to our being. It’s said that our feminine side resides on our left side, while the masculine resides on our right side. We hold these energies within us and, when united, there’s a complete balance, joy and presence within our very being Accessing each of our divine natures — both masculine and feminine — can be both enlightening and surprising. However, we need to remember that we carry within us both aspects of the Divine. The...

Kundalini Yoga, a form of Energy Nature

Kundalinī Yoga is pure, spiritual science that leads to enlightenment and God-realisation under the guidance of a spiritual Master. Those people who write about the supposed danger of this path either do not have a master or do not follow his instructions. So if a person expresses negative views about Kundalinī, ask that person about his relationship with his Master. Often it will be found that the cause of the problem lies in the fact that he has acted without appropriate guidance or has ignored the advice of his Master. Therefore do not allow such voices to create uncertainty, and confidently follow the advice of your Master. It is important to be patient and moderate, not to force and not to cling onto ideas such as how ‘it’ will be, or how ‘it’ should be. When ‘it’ happens perhaps you...

Union of Siwa (Purusha) and Sakti (Prakriti)

Whenever a power becomes active, and wherever energy exists, Shakti is working. Other terms for these primal principles are PURUSHA and PRAKRITI; Purusha is consciousness and Prakriti is nature. Shiva is generally portrayed holding a trident, which represents the trinity of Īshwara, Purusha, and Prakriti. Īshwara is the omnipresent, eternal, formless divine principle; Purusha is the Ātmā and Prakriti is the manifestation, nature. Electric light can be used to explain their relationship. The electric current, which is the source of the light, is Īshwara; the light is Purusha, and the object that is illuminated is Prakriti. SHAKTI (Prakriti) means energy, power, movement, change, nature. It is the maternal principle – the provider, abundance. In the human as well as in the animal kingdom...